Mother & Child Healthcare & Welfare

World Health Organization estimates that over half a million women die at childbirth yearly worldwide, with about 99 percent of these deaths from developing countries. Every  year in  Nigeria,  there  are  about  40,000  maternal deaths  which  account  for about  14%  of  the  global  total. A woman’s chance of dying from pregnancy and childbirth in Nigeria is 1 in 13. 

These outrageous deaths in Nigeria have been attributed to poor access and utilization of mother and child healthcare services. Aside healthcare challenges (SDG 3), mothers and their children in Enugu are still faced with general welfare challenges like violence against women, lack of economic means (SDG 5), and lack of education for the children (SDG 4). 

Custoscare Foundation intervenes in these areas by accelerating access and utilization of maternal and child healthcare services in Enugu state with the hope of achieving an improved mother and child healthcare and welfare by 100% in Enugu state by 2030.

Key Expressions

  • Provision of early antenatal and postnatal care for mother and child.
  • Provision of nutritional supplementation for mother and child
  • Immunization
  • Health education
  • Child growth monitoring
  • Integrated management of childhood illnesses
  • Enlightenment and inclusion into health insurance schemes.
  • Family planning services


A society where everyone is free from socio-economic induced levels of vulnerability and living a life of dignity.


To eradicate all barriers to social inclusion and social security through partnerships with other civil society organizations, international development agencies (IDAs) and government agencies to develop and implement innovative social protection strategies and programs that makes a difference in the lives of people in Enugu state.


Make their Dreams Come True