Basic Education for all
Education remains crucial for socioeconomic development and is linked to improved quality of life.
According to the United Nations, there are currently about 10.5 million out of school children in Nigeria. It’s even deeper when you realize that 1 in every 5 of the world’s out-of-school children lives in Nigeria.
In Enugu state, the past few decades shows that basic education in the state has improved considerably. The state has made basic education free in other to encourage parents that are economically disadvantaged to enroll their children. However, hundreds of children in Enugu still do not go to school. The Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC) reported in its 2018 “Compendium of Public and Private Schools Basic Education Profile & Indicators in Nigeria” that Enugu State has a 50.38 percent primary completion rate, which drops to 30.71 percent for junior secondary schools. This shows that increase in enrollment doesn’t translate to increased completion rate.
Custos Care Foundation through the education for all program hopes to improve and expand early childhood care and education specifically for the most disadvantaged children by ensuring that learning needs of disadvantaged children are met with equal access to proper learning and life skills. We hope to eradicate all barriers restricting disadvantaged children of school age in Enugu state from accessing quality basic education and life skills.
In Custos Care Foundation, we believe that basic education is the right of every child and we should as a duty ensure that every child from disadvantaged households in Enugu state goes to school.
Key Expressions

A society where everyone is free from socio-economic induced levels of vulnerability and living a life of dignity.
To eradicate all barriers to social inclusion and social security through partnerships with other civil society organizations, international development agencies (IDAs) and government agencies to develop and implement innovative social protection strategies and programs that makes a difference in the lives of people in Enugu state.
- Passionate
- Innovative
- Inspiring
- Efficient
- Sustainable
- Community-based
- Professional